diumenge, 1 de novembre del 2009

hiii!!here I stay with my best friend her name is tamara and she is 15 years old and I met her when I was 13 years.
we stay in the bus estation becouse we went to ibiza at the cinema..we stay with a friends too..and we went to a party too..this day it was ver funny ..and finally we arrived at 3 o'clock at home..:D

dimarts, 13 d’octubre del 2009


Pues res aqui estic amb unes amigues en el concert de SFDK en platja d'embossa!!..va estar molt chulo..ems varen pasar molt be.

dilluns, 27 d’octubre del 2008

olassss!!!!!!en esa foto estms en l marinersss...jejej..weno pues na firmatme..:D